
Case study of Guizhou Shifeng civil air defense equipment Co., Ltd

来源:   发布时间:2021-01-06  浏览1435次

The main products of Guizhou Shifeng civil air defense equipment Co., Ltd. are ordinary single and double leaf protective closed door and closed door, valve sill single and double leaf protective closed door and closed door, rubber tube type explosion-proof wave valve, swing type explosion-proof wave (shielding) valve, landing type double leaf protective closed door and closed door, connecting port two-way forced leaf protective closed door, ramp inside open double leaf protective closed door, protective closed door The products of ventilation equipment include various types of air pipes, valves, fans, aluminum alloy tuyeres, silencers, etc.


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上一条:Guizhou Hongsheng Hemu Furniture Co., Ltd 下一条:Case study of Guizhou Hecheng Mingzhi door industry Co., Ltd

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